By default you can only connect to Citrix StoreFront using HTTPS. If you are in a corporate environment which has a PKI Infrastructure that is perfectly fine. But if like me you run a small test lab there is a work around which you can do to enable you to use http instead.
1) When you configure StoreFront make sure you select the transport method of HTTP
2) On the Citrix Receiver client configure the following registry entries:
- Under HKLM\Software\Citrix\Dazzle, set AllowAddStore value to A in order to allow users to add non-secure stores.
- Under HKLM\Software\Citrix\Dazzle, set AllowSavePwd value to A in order to allow users to save their passwords for non-secure stores.
- To be able to add a store that is configured in StoreFront with a TransportType of HTTP, add the following key value under HKLM\Software\Citrix\AuthManager : ConnectionSecurityMode (REG_SZ type) and set it to Any.
3) After configuring those registry entires you should be able to connect using HTTP
HKLMSoftwareCitrixDazzle was created with Receiver 4.1 on Win7 but not W2k8R2.
Are these reg entries correct for 4.1 on W2k8R2?
Hi Chris. Have you tried looking under HKLMSOFTWAREWow6432Node?