Category: Citrix

Citrix, Citrix Cloud

Deploying MCS Managed VDI Desktops in Citrix Cloud

Hey folks!! I hope you are all keeping well in these horrible times are currently experiencing. I recently did a presentation at the UK Citrix User Group on the topic of leveraging Citrix to deploy VDI Desktops in the cloud, so I figured I had better actually deploy some VDI Desktops in the Cloud using …


Integrating StoreFront into a Citrix Cloud Deployment

This post is a continuation of my previous posts into getting a simple Citrix Cloud Environment up an running and integrated with an on-premise environment as per this diagram: (taken from So far in the series we have gone through the following steps: 1) Installed and configured the Citrix Cloud Connector – 2) …


Citrix Cloud Sizing and Scalability

In my earlier articles I went through the steps to setup Citrix Cloud environment between Citrix Cloud and your on-premise environment.  One thing which has been quite clear is that there is a critical dependency on the Cloud Connector as this is where all your clients are going to communicate with. It is essentially a …


Citrix Cloud Delivery Group Creation

This post is a continuation of the previous 2 posts where I am walking through the steps to get a Citrix Cloud service setup and running.  We have already covered the Citrix Cloud Connector installation and connecting an application server with the VDA Agent installed to our Citrix Cloud Service. You can find these posts …


Citrix VDA Agent for Citrix Cloud

In my earlier post (which you can find here: we went through the steps required to install and configure the Citrix Cloud Connector which is the connection from Citrix cloud to your on-premise installation. In this blog post we are going to go through and install the Citrix VDA Agent on a server and …

Citrix, Virtualization, Windows 10

VMware OS Optimization Tool 2016

Hey all   Very quick post today about a very very cool tool which VMware have released to optimise a desktop for VDI. This tool should be run on your master image whether you are using Citrix or VMware as it reduces the overall footprint that your OS will use which is critical in any …

Citrix, Training/Certification

Next exam decided–XenApp 5 for Windows Server 2008

I have been debating on which exam to do next over these past few days. The 2 exam choices I have are Implementing Citrix XenApp 5.0 for Windows Server 2008 or Basic Administration for XenApp 6. I have had a look at the resources that are available for both exams and there is virtually next …