Category: Citrix XenDesktop

Citrix XenApp, Citrix XenDesktop

Getting up and running with Citrix User Personalization Layering

In this post I am going to show you how to get up and running with Citrix User Personalization Layer (UPL) and a quick test to show it working.  So lets get stuck in! So what is Citrix User Personalization Layering and what problem does it solve??  We have 2 types of desktops that we …

Citrix WEM, Citrix XenApp, Citrix XenDesktop

Creating and Assigning Citrix Workspace Environment Manager configuration sets

This post is Part 3 of a series of posts I am writing about configuring Citrix Workspace Environment Manager 1909. You can find the previous posts here: Part 1 – Installing Citrix Workspace Environment Manager – Part 2 –Configuring Workspace Environment Manager Endpoints – I had hoped to get this post out sooner …

Citrix WEM, Citrix XenApp, Citrix XenDesktop

Configuring Citrix Workspace Environment Manager 1909 endpoints

Hey folks. This is part 2 of the series of blog posts which I am writing which go through the steps to install and configure Citrix Workspace Environment Manager 1909. You can find part 1 here – In part 1 we went through the process of configuring the WEM Infrastructure.  In this post we …

Citrix WEM, Citrix XenApp, Citrix XenDesktop

Installing Citrix Workspace Environment Manager 1909

Hey folks. I am going to write a series of blog posts which go through the installation and configuration of Citrix  Workspace Environment Manager 1909 (Citrix WEM).   I must admit I haven’t really used this product much in production so I am looking forward to exploring the features that it provides. So what does it …

Citrix XenDesktop, Windows 10

Configuring Citrix MCS for XenDesktop 7 1903, SCVMM 2016 & Windows 10 1903

I was recently involved in a project  where one of the options is to use Citrix Machine Creation Services to create desktops.  I have to admit I have never really used MCS in a production environment before so I thought I would document the steps to get this up and running. So let’s begin. Step …

Citrix XenApp, Citrix XenDesktop, Windows 10

XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR CU3 and Windows 10 1809 Compatibility

Hey folks, just a quick post to describe an issue I came across this week. I am currently involved in a large XenDesktop LTSR deployment (can you guess from all the LTSR posts??!!).  The main requirement from the project is to deliver Windows 10 capability.  We are literally weeks away from having everything over to …

Citrix XenApp, Citrix XenDesktop

XenApp/XenDesktop LTSR Cumulative Update

Hey folks 🙂 In this post I am going to cover the Cumulative Updates that exist for the Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop LTSR releases. I will explain why we should install them, what they contain and what that procedure looks like. So first of all, what are the LTSR Cumulative Updates??  Well in Citrix CR releases you …

Citrix XenDesktop

Windows 8.1 VDI Optimization Guide

Citrix have released a Windows 8.1 Optimization Guide for VDI which is a very useful read.  The savings encountered by performing these optimisations are considerable.  In summary the savings vs a non optimised image are below.  You can find a link to the download here – Metric Default Optimized % Gain Hypervisor Level Total …

Citrix XenDesktop

Configuring Citrix StoreFront for HTTP access

By default you can only connect to Citrix StoreFront using HTTPS.  If you are in a corporate environment which has a PKI Infrastructure that is perfectly fine.  But if like me you run a small test lab there is a work around which you can do to enable you to use http instead.  1) When …

Citrix XenDesktop

There was no suitable service to perform operation on XenDesktop 7 deployment

On a recent XenDesktop 7 deployment I encountered this error when attempting to configure XenDesktop. The error message received was “There was no suitable service to perform operation”.  Luckily the fix for this is simple, just reboot your server, launch Desktop Studio and you will see the configuration has actually succeeded successfully.