Hey folks 🙂 In this post I am going to cover the Cumulative Updates that exist for the Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop LTSR releases. I will explain why we should install them, what they contain and what that procedure looks like.
So first of all, what are the LTSR Cumulative Updates?? Well in Citrix CR releases you get new features and security features with every new release i.e. 7.15, 7.16, 7.17,7.18 etc. In the table below you can see these features incrementing: (you can view the full version here – https://www.citrix.com/content/dam/citrix/en_us/documents/reference-material/7-18-feature-comparison-summary.pdf)
For customers on the LTSR Releases we have to wait till all the bugs and issues have been ironed out in those releases and then we get a rollup of all those features which we know are “safe”.
You can see this in the table below which shows all the features since the 7.6 – 7.15 LTSR Release and compares them to the CR releases. As you can see on 7.6 LTSR we get the basic components, then there is a big feature difference between 7.6 LTSR and 7.14, then all the features are rolled up into 7.15 LTSR.
The Cumulative updates don’t contain any new features, we will just get bug fixes and security fixes. So any new features after 7.15 will be rolled into whatever new LTSR Release there is after 7.15.
So for example the latest CU3 Release contains
- Fixes for more than 200 issues reported since 7.15 LTSR CU2
- Updates to the base components to 7.15.3000
- Compatibility with Citrix Workspace App
- Support for Windows 10 1809
For a full list visit here – https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/xenapp-and-xendesktop/7-15-ltsr/whats-new/cumulative-update-3.html
So how do we apply these updates?? Simple answer is exactly the same process you would with any other upgrade. The process for going from 7.15CR to 7.16CR is the same process used from going LTSR 7.15 CU2 to 7.15 CU3.
Head to the download page, download the CU3 ISO, mount and install. You will get the standard upgrade screens
The database will also need upgrading
So that’s it folks!! I hope that answered all your XenApp/XenDesktop LTSR Questions. If you have any further questions just drop me a message