Hey folks!! A few customers have recently been asking about the LTSR Components as they find themselves coming out of support of their existing environments. So what is LTSR?? LTSR is the “Long Term Service Release” from Citrix. These are specific components for which Citrix will offer much longer support times than the “Current Release” platform. To view the main differences you can see them here – https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX205549
The bit most people are interested in is the 5 years support + 5 years extended support. Most Enterprise environments I work in are really bad at keeping things up to date so this is extremely attractive to them.
So how do we implement LTSR in a normal environment?? Its quite simple as I will show you. The LTSR is just a specific release of all the different components. For example, the current LTSR release is LTSR 7.15 CU2, which is based on the 7.15 Code. CR is Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 1808.
Citrix have released a LTSR Tool which tells you which version’s need to be updated. To view the current versions you can find them here – https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/xenapp-and-xendesktop/7-15-ltsr/whats-new/cumulative-update-2.html
So the first step is to run the LTSR Checker and point it at your existing environment. You can find the tool here – https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX209577
Please make sure you have Internet access, WimRM is enabled and your PowerShell permissions are set to RemoteSigned.
Once you have installed it you select the components you want to check. In this instance I have a default XenDesktop 7.6 Deployment containing these versions:
- XenDesktop –
- Storefront – 2.6.5031
The tool will output a report telling you which versions need to be updated
So now that we know we need to update the required components to XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR CU2. If you head over to here you can grab the downloads directly – https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX230720
Once you have downloaded the media you can begin the upgrades as per any normal installation. If you are upgrading multiple servers note the upgrade method here:
Run through the steps and the installation will run though the upgrade:
We will also need to upgrade the site database:
Once the upgrade is complete if you re-run the LTSR Tool it should tell you we are fully compliant:
Congratulations for going from out of support to being supported for the next 5 years