
Configuring SSL on Azure Web App custom URL

In my previous post I went through the steps to configure WordPress on Azure.  In this post I will configure a SSL Certificate for the custom URL that was configured.  This is a multistep process which involves:

  • Creating the certificate
  • Creating a Keyvault
  • Importing the certificate into the Keyvault
  • Assigning the certificate to the App Service

Step 1 – Create the cettificate

Head over to the Azure Portal and select the option to create a new certificate. You will need to populate the following settings:

  • Name – This is a friendly name to reference the certified
  • Naked Domain Host Name – This is the name of your domain without any www or http
  • Subscription – Select your Azure subscription you to assign the certificate to
  • Resource Group  – Select the resource group, I used the resource group assigned to my App
  • Certificate type – Select either a standard certificate or a Wild Card certificate


Step 2 – Create the Key vault

They Key vault is a secure area in Azure where applications and websites can safely store keys, and small secrets like passwords.  These can then be referenced securely by Azure resources.  We will need to enter:

  • Name – This is a friendly name to call the key vault
  • Subscription – Select the subscription you want to assign the Key Vault to.  You can view the pricing here –
  • Resource Group – Select the Resource group to assign it to, as previously I have assigned it to my Web app resource group
  • Location – Select the location of the Key vault store
  • Access policies – You will need to select the personal who will be responsible for administering the key vault


Step 3 Domain Name verification

Before we can assign the certificate we need to verify domain ownership. Select the App Service Verification and you will receive an email from GoDaddy asking us to verify that it is us.



Step 4 Assign Certificate to Web App

Now that the certificate has been issued we need to Import the certificate and bind it to the App.  Select Import App Service Certificate


Once the SSL Binding has been done we should now be able to access the Web App via SSL.


Good luck!

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